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How to Move on from a Bad Break-Up

The harder we love, the more painful the break-up. We spend so much time trying the cultivate the perfect love that when it ends, we it’s easy to find yourself a little lost. If you have recently found yourself single and nursing a broken heart, then here are some ways to pick yourself up and get back into the game

1. Don’t look back:

The urge to go back to your ex may be overwhelming in the beginning, but stand strong. Especially if your ex was the one who broke it off. Break free once and for all to protect yourself from additional hurt by fighting the urge to call him up and beg him to take you back.

2. Get to know yourself again:

Oh, those stages of grief will get to you. From intense sadness to anger and then onto denial; if left unchecked, your emotions will make you act out of character. Understand what you’re feeling is normal. Once you give yourself permission to feel those emotions, it will be easier to keep yourself in check; preventing you from doing things you might later regret.

3. Keep busy:

If you’re nursing a broken heart, now is the time to take up new fitness classes or work on acquiring that foreign language. Filling your schedule so you don’t dwell on the past is a key solution to help you move on. Focus on your professional life. By reaching new heights, you will begin to feel much better about yourself. Additionally, putting yourself in a different social circle will increase your chances of making the acquaintance of another cute guy.

4. Phone A Friend:

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends to help you through this rough time. It’s not the time to put on a happy face, hold back your tears or keep quiet about your about your break-up. Call up a close friend, and have a good gab and cry fest. Bottling up your emotions will make it harder to move on and the point of it all is to live a great life and let love find you. That can’t happen if you’re stuck holding your emotions about the past inside.

5. Don’t rush into another relationship:

While, you do want to be with someone, directly following a break-up may not be the best time to make that happen. It is so easy to allow yourself to wallow in the feeling of wanting to be loved that you compromise your standard and date the first person who makes you feel special. Beware. If you’re not over your ex, you’re setting yourself up to be hurt again by forging ahead with someone else. Also, stay away from one-night stands and crash-and-burn relationships that will leave you worse off emotionally than you would have been had you taken the time to get over your initial broken heart.

6. Just Say No:

Spilling the beans about your break-up over happy hour with your friends is appropriate; drinking yourself silly every weekend is not. Meeting men in bars and night clubs can help you find the confidence you need to feel sexy and desirable again. That’s understandable. However, finding yourself there too often may signal a stall in moving on. If you begin having trouble sleeping because you have you mind on your ex, get some exercise to tire you out. Or seek out the company of friends and family instead of soothing yourself with alcohol.

7. Let Time Heal All:

Time is the greatest healer, so don’t get ahead of yourself trying to make being “over him” happen immediately. Take each day as a new opportunity and find
positive things to look forward to – a promotion at work, a small dinner out at your favorite restaurant, or a new exercise class, any of those activities can be the bright spot in your day. The only part of your life that is over is the life you shared with your ex. Your life still goes on and if you follow these tips, you can make the most out of what lies ahead.

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