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Racist Georgia Bar Owner Up to His Old Tricks With Outrageous Sign

The Georgia bar owner who has been under attack in the past for the racist signs he posts outside his bar is at it again, this time with a sign that calls President Obama a n*gger.

But the man, Patrick Lanzo, maintains that the sign, which reads “I do not support the n**gger in the White House,” is not racist.

“I say just because you’re offended by it doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to say something just the opposite,” Lanzo said in a report on Fox 5 in Atlanta. “I don’t feel bad about anything whatsoever. Therefore, they can go out and put their own sign in their own yard and I will not be offended.”

The man clearly takes a childish delight in taunting as many people as he can with the sign. A previous message he posted in 2009 said, “Obama’s plan for health-care: n*gger rig it.”

Asked about his usage of the n-word, Lanzo said, “Well, I’ve used it most of my life. There are different ways to put your opinion up, but that’s just the words I choose.”

He has advertised his Paulding County establishment as a “Klan bar,” so the man obviously knows his way around bigoted stupidity. And surely his messages go over quite well with his bar’s customers, who are probably snickering into their beers everytime another television station comes calling. So maybe it’s time for all of us to ignore Patrick Lanzo and his ignorant sign. And as for the residents of Paulding County who have to drive past it everyday…well, we feel your pain.


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